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Industry dynamics Healthy China, Aucheer in action

Industry dynamics Healthy China, Aucheer in action

  • Categories:Industry form
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  • Time of issue:2019-07-29
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(Summary description)The Healthy China Action (2019-2030) is an important strategic action of my country on the health level. The action focuses on the current major health problems and influencing factors, centering on the two themes of "disease prevention" and "health promotion", and promotes the transition from treatment-centered to people's health-centered, and strives to prevent residents from getting sick and less sick.

Industry dynamics Healthy China, Aucheer in action

(Summary description)The Healthy China Action (2019-2030) is an important strategic action of my country on the health level. The action focuses on the current major health problems and influencing factors, centering on the two themes of "disease prevention" and "health promotion", and promotes the transition from treatment-centered to people's health-centered, and strives to prevent residents from getting sick and less sick.

  • Categories:Industry form
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  • Time of issue:2019-07-29
  • Views:0

Healthy China Action (2019-2030),It is an important strategic action of our country on the health level. This action focuses on current major health problems and influencing factors, and focuses on“prevent disease" and "Health Promotion"two major themes to promote theFocus on people's health change, and strive to prevent residents from getting sick or getting sick less.


Recently, the "Opinions of the State Council on Implementing the Healthy China Action" (hereinafter referred to as“Opinion") is released, and the opinion points out,the country will carry out 15 major special actions for this purpose, mainly including: health knowledge popularization, tobacco control, maternal and child health promotion actions, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease prevention and treatment, and cancer prevention and treatment.The opinions emphasized that prevention is the most economical and effective health strategy. It is necessary to adhere to prevention, advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and prevent and control major diseases.


  Healthy China


Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's health undertakings have achieved new and remarkable results, with a substantial increase in the level of medical and health services, and the main health indicators of residents have generally surpassed the average level of middle- and high-income countries. With the development of industrialization, urbanization, population aging and changes in the ecological environment and lifestyles, chronic non-communicable diseases (hereinafter referred to as chronic diseases) have become the main cause of death and disease burden for residents. The burden caused by chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes accounted for 70% of the total disease burden the above has become an important factor restricting the increase in healthy life expectancy.


 Maternal and Child Health Promotion Action


The action pointed out that the health of women and children is the foundation of the health of the whole people.


With the adjustment and improvement of the fertility policy, the fertility demand is gradually released, the proportion of high-risk pregnant women has increased, and the pressure to ensure the safety of mothers and babies has increased. The implementation of maternal and child health promotion actions is an important measure to protect the health rights of women and children, promote the all-round development of women and children, and maintain reproductive health. It will help improve the national health level from the source and foundation.


By 2022 in 2030, the infant mortality rate shall be controlled at 7.5‰ and below and 5‰ and below; the mortality rate of children under 5 years old shall be controlled at 9.5‰ and below and 6‰ and below; the maternal mortality rate shall be reduced to 18/100,000 respectively And below and 12/100,000 and below; prenatal screening rate reached 70% and above and 80% and above respectively.

It also requires the society and the government to implement five systems of maternal and child safety:


Prevent risks from the source,

Comprehensively carry out pregnancy risk screening and assessment


Keep an eye on key groups of people,

Strictly conduct high-risk project management


Strictly observe the bottom line of safety,Efforts to strengthen the treatment of critical and critical illnesses



Close monitoring and analysis,Real-time reporting of deaths among pregnant women


Layer-by-layer responsibility,Hierarchical implementation of the interview notification mechanism


  Focus on prenatal diagnosis


The action clarifies the importance of regular pregnancy check-ups, emphasizes that pregnancy risk screening and assessment should be carried out as soon as possible when pregnancy is discovered, and proactively accept pregnancy and childbirth health services on time according to different risk management requirements, and master the knowledge and skills of self-health care during pregnancy and childbirth. Receive at least 5 times during pregnancyPrenatal check-ups (1 in the first trimester, 2 in the second trimester, and 2 in the third trimester). Those with abnormal conditions are advised to follow the doctor’s advice to increase the number of inspections and receive regular prenatal screenings. Pregnant women over the age of 35 are considered advanced-age pregnant women. It is recommended that advanced-age and high-risk pregnant women receive prenatal diagnosis services in a qualified medical institution in time. During pregnancy, if there is any discomfort, it is recommended to go to a medical and health institution immediately.



  Preeclampsia And PlGF


Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and proteinuria. It is one of the main reasons affecting the health of mothers and babies worldwide.Once a pregnant woman has preeclampsia, hypertension, edema, and proteinuria will occur. At the same time, it will affect the function of some important organs and seriously threaten the safety of mothers and babies.

In recent years, research has found that placental Growth Factor (PlGF)It is the most specific biochemical marker for predicting preeclampsia, through the use of PlGFDetection of other indicators can screen out 90% of pregnant women with preeclampsia at 11-14 weeks of gestation, and carry out early intervention to improve the prognosis of mothers and babies.


 Aucheer In Action


Based on its own platform, Auchen independently developed Aucheer iRaTe PlGFDetection reagents, combined with maternal factors, for early pregnancy risk screening, predictive monitoring in the second and third trimesters, so as to assist clinicians in more reasonable risk stratification and clinical assessment of high-risk factors and pregnant women with suspected preeclampsia, and better for high-risk pregnant women. Scientific prevention and management can reduce or delay the occurrence and development of preeclampsia and ensure the safety of mothers and fetuses.


Healthy China, Aucheer is in action.




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